ISSN 1392-2343
e-ISSN 2538-6565

. Lithuanian Historical Studies. 22

18 m STUDIES 22nr 15 mm CMYK.indd

Lithuanian Historical Studies. 22


Vaida Kamuntavičienė
The Founding of the Convent of the Congregation of St Catherine in Krakės in the 17th Century 1
Agnė Railaitė-Bardė
The Triumphant Genealogical Awareness of the Nobility in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in the 17th and 18th Centuries 29
Remigijus Civinskas
Amid the Changing Landscape of City, Class and Imperial Russian Policy: The Habitus of the Kaunas Urban Elite and their Symbolic Representation in the Early 19th Century 51
Ugnė Marija Andrijauskaitė
Inventing the Communist Party of Lithuania as a Labour Movement. Narratives in Soviet Historiography 87
Brigita Tranavičiūtė
Soviet Consumer Goods Advertising: Propaganda and Consumption in the 1950s–1980s in Lithuania 111
Saulius Grybkauskas
The Making of the Titular Nation Engineers in Soviet Lithuania and Latvia (from the end of the 1940s to the Mid-1950s) 137
Book Reviews
Marius Ščavinskas
Darius Baronas, S.C. Rowell, The Conversion of Lithuania. From Pagan Barbarians to the Late Medieval Christians 161
Darius Baronas
Paul Srodecki, Antemurale Christianitatis: Zur Genese der Bollwerksrhetorik im östlichen Mitteleuropa an der Schwelle vom Mittelalter zur Frühen Neuzeit 170
Marius Ščavinskas
Jiří Dynda, Slovanské Pohanství ve středověkých latinských pramenech 174
Catherine Gibson
Vasilijus Safronovas, The Creation of National Spaces in a Pluricultural Region: The Case of Prussian Lithuania 182
Jolita Sarcevičienė
Dalia Leinarte, The Lithuanian Family in its European Context, 1800–1914. Marriage, Divorce and Flexible Communities 187
Olga Mastianica-Stankevič
Beata Kalęba, Rozdroże. Literatura polska w kręgu litewskiego odrodzenia narodowego 196
Karsten Brüggemann
Tomas Balkelis, Violeta Davoliūtė (eds.), Population Displacement in Lithuania in the Twentieth Century. Experiences, Identities and Legacies 202
Vitalija Stravinskienė
Audrius A. Žulys, Polska w polityce zagranicznej Litwy w latach 1938–1939. Studium z historii dyplomacji 206
Fabio Belafatti
Christine Beresniova, Holocaust Education in Lithuania. Community, Conflict, and the Making of Civil Society 210
Una Bergmane
Eglė Rindzevičiūtė, The Power of Systems. How Policy Sciences Opened up the Cold War World 223
Vasilijus Safronovas
Eva-Clarita Pettai, Vello Pettai, Transitional and Retrospective Justice in the Baltic States 226