Kvietimas dalyvauti konferencijoje

Subject: CFP: The City and the Countryside. Transitions and Transfers in the 19th and First Half of the 20th Century – Vilnius 06/16  


Lietuvos istorijos institutas maloniai kviečia į tarptautinę konferenciją „Miestas ir miestiečiai etnologų tyrimų perspektyvoje: Šventės ir laisvalaikis“, kuri vyks 2015 m. lapkričio mėn 5–6 d. Lietuvos istorijos institute Posėdžių salėje, Kražių g. 5.


SUMMARY [PUŠKARNĖ SLAG RESEARCH] Aušra SELSKIENĖ, Algirdas SELSKIS, Vidas PAKŠTAS, Raimondas GIRAITIS   The results of a study of the composition and structure of 29 fifteenth-seventeenth century archaeological objects (various sized pieces of slag as well as several metal and ceramic finds) are presented in the work. The finds were discovered in 2002 in Vilnius under Gedimino Avenue and Dysnos Street (in the then suburb of Puškarnė) while making archaeological excavations during the reconstruction of Gedimino Avenue. The work describes in detail the exterior and…


THE PROFESSIONALISATION OF POTTERY IN VILNIUS FOURTEENTH – SEVENTEENTH CENTURY Gediminas VAITKEVIČIUS   One of the incentives for the creation of cities was the strengthening of the political and economic power of the ruler. The effectiveness of the economic organisation of the city lies in the professionalisation of human activities and in the corresponding organisation of production and society. This article explains when professional trades became established in the economic organisation of Vilnius and when an urban economic structure was formed in Vilnius. In order…


RECONSTRUCTIONS IN MODERN TRADITIONAL ARCHITECTURE AND ARCHAEOLOGY Valdas VAINILAITIS, Oksana VALIONIENĖ   This article attempts to find a connection between modem traditionalist architecture and urban archaeology. One of the contact points of architecture and archaeology is the reconstruction of old buildings. During archaeological studies, traces of wooden buildings, which have survived fairly well, are found only in damp, boggy places in Vilnius (fig. 21). Because wooden houses are becoming ever more popular at the present time, historical urban wooden buildings were selected as an interesting…